Patch Notes 1.4.4
GGMR Update
- PFE now uses the most recent version of GGMR.
- The saving and loading scripts are more organized now.
- General balance adjustments.
- Added a new attack "basic_fspec_chokeslam".
- Added a new attack "kessler_grab".
- Added a new attack "sonic_fspec_spin_dash", as requested by Patreon supporters!
- Fixed an issue where players would occasionally not collide with platforms during hitstun.
- Changed premade music to "Uncompress on Load", fixing rare issues with looping.
- Added a new audio group "audiogroup_music_menu" for the main menu music, fixing an issue where it wouldn't load in time to play on the main menu.
- Fixed a typo where some attacks incorrectly set "is_reeling" instead of "force_reeling".
- Changed the "destroy_outside_room" option for projectiles to "destroy_outside_blastzone".
- "draw_action_lines" now draws the lines in a more random pattern.
- Renamed "hitbox_attached_group_connected" to just "hitbox_group_connected".
Get Platform Fighter Engine
Platform Fighter Engine
Make your own Platform Fighter in GameMaker!
Status | Released |
Category | Other |
Author | Springroll Games |
Genre | Fighting, Platformer |
Tags | 2D, Game engine, GameMaker, gms2, platform-fighter, smash-bros |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Configurable controls |
More posts
- Patch Notes 1.4.4 (New)63 days ago
- Patch Notes 1.4.3May 29, 2024
- 1.4.2 Small UpdateOct 16, 2023
- Fixing the "stage_data_get" crashSep 22, 2023
- Patch Notes 1.4.2Sep 15, 2023
- Hotfix 1.4.1 Patch NotesAug 11, 2023
- Patch Notes 1.4.1Jul 31, 2023
- Patch Notes 1.4.0Mar 21, 2023
- 1.3.4 HotfixJan 16, 2023
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For some reason I keep getting this error:
ERROR in action number 1
of Create Event for object obj_main_menu_ui:
[PFE Crash] obj_menu_background did not exist when menu_background_color_set was called
at gml_Script_crash (line 15) - show_error(_output, true);
gml_Script_crash (line 15)
gml_Script_menu_background_color_set (line 13) - crash("obj_menu_background did not exist when menu_background_color_set was called");
gml_Object_obj_main_menu_ui_Create_0 (line 8) - menu_background_color_set(c_ltgray);
Is there any way to fix this?
Check the Instance Creation Order in the room, and make sure "obj_menu_background" is created before "obj_main_menu_ui" (note that this is different from the Layer Order)
What should I search for to fix it? Still kinda new to javascript
1. Gamemaker uses GML, not Javascript.
2. Open "rm_main_menu". In the Inspector, click on "Instance Creation Order". Make sure "obj_menu_background" is above "obj_main_menu_ui" on the list.
Ah, thanks
Also tried coding Mario's fireball, but the attack stays as the hadouken. Is there a fix for this?
Hi, should've asked this before. For this one:
"- Fixed a typo where some attacks incorrectly set "is_reeling" instead of "force_reeling". "
Do you have a list of or otherwise remember the places where this typo was fixed?
I'm also wondering if there is a way you recommend for users to update their own ongoing PFE-based projects with the updates you roll-out, or is it simply a case of making the updates based on the devlog (which is what I'm doing right now).
It was only a few attacks, you can do a Ctrl + Shift + F for "is_reeling" and see which attacks incorrectly used that variable name.
As for updating projects, unfortunately there's no universal way to do that, it depends on which scripts you have changed in your project. You definitely want to use some kind of source control program like Github Desktop. If you haven't made too many changes yet, it would be easiest to make a local package of all your changes and then import them into the new version of PFE, but if you already made a lot of changes, it would be easiest to take the updated files from the new version of PFE and move them back to your project.
Just fyi, I think you meant to say which attacks are incorrectly using "is_reeling" in your reply above (going by the devlog and the changes I see between the old and new versions).
For the github issue - the project I'm working on and basing on PFE is a fairly large one with a long development cycle and with multiple changes from base PFE. So the latter suggestion of taking the updated files from each new updated version of PFE and moving them back to my main project will have to be the go-to approach it seems, and which is what I'm doing now.
The concern with this approach is that I need to rely on your devlog to know which items need to be changed, and if something isn't sufficiently clear to me, I have to ask (as I've done twice with this update). BUT, fortunately, it seems that I can simply replace the GGMR folder entirely (I don't touch anything here), the attacks are not crucial items, and the extras seem like they will be self-explanatory in future updates. It's just the fixes in scripts that I'd need to watch for.
So my question is, can users use Github to merge changes you as the author made on your end, to their own project? This would streamline the updating issue above, but would require access of some sort to the source project, if I'm not mistaken. Again, just want to make sure as I didn't see anything related to this in the Github tutorial you made for PFE.
I'm not a Github expert so I'm not entirely sure. I know that you can make a new repo, download the old version of PFE you based on the project on, commit, then download the new version of PFE, and that will show you all of the changes. But I don't know if there's a way to go from that to adding all the changes to the project. Maybe if you use a separate branch for it and then merge the branch back into main.
For this one: "- Fixed an issue where players would occasionally not collide with platforms during hitstun."
Can you indicate which objects/scripts you updated?
That would be in "move_bouncing", though the issue is hard to recreate.