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Hi, this looks great! I'm a little bit confused because of the FAQ. In the description you mention it works on any export, so I assume including mobile, other desktop platforms and consoles. But the FAQ says it works on Windows only ("GGMR only fully works on Windows")

Sorry, the description should have also said "Windows only" because that is the only platform it has been tested on. Theoretically it should work on any platform that allows for the UDP functions, but it hasn't been tested.

I see, thanks for your answer! Are you using only GameMaker's built-in networking functions?

Yes, it doesn't use any extensions, just the built-in packet functions.

Is that a m.u.g.e.n alternative i smell? (also is there a discord I can join for this engine?)


Discord is here I'm not sure I would call this a Mugen alternative, but it's similar.

Hi, i would like an simple example working on the lastest version of gamemaker, i tried create my own watching the PFE (iam a user) but i have some many problems with sync, buffers, etc, what i need is to use this great tool for other games where i cant give advantage to the best ping players. Please there´s something i can do? , advice?, maybe you can do a simple project for the community, i ll be gratfull and already bought the PFE at least to help

I don't have the time to work on something like that right now, but I'll think about it.

I would second this as well if you're willing.


Well, I finally got around to it.

Lol, and to think I just purchased PFE a few days ago. Seriously though, this is great! I'm basing my current project on PFE, but this will definitely help with getting a grasp on more "vs fighter" type features such as the health bars and auto-facing.

Thanks for making this!


If you look at the code and the amount of features it doesn't compare to PFE, so that's why it's free ahaha. Also, auto turnaround is already in PFE, look at "auto_turnaround_passive" 🙂
